Dear Parents, Teachers, and Students of L. C. Bird High School Community,
We are thrilled to be able to come together again for another great year! The L.C. Bird High School PTSO is committed in its dedication to supporting the education and welfare of students by encouraging relationships between the parents, administration, teachers, and students at L. C. Bird High School. We accomplish this through several avenues including:
- Giving special quarterly gifts to recognize students that are paid members (Big Blue Days)
- Providing Community Service hours for students who volunteer their time to support the PTSO
- Awarding scholarships for deserving seniors
- Donating treats for the quarterly Core Values Ceremonies
- Recognizing and rewarding one deserving faculty member who has gone above-and-beyond to support the school and students as the Skyhawk of the Month.
Throughout the school year, we raise money to support our mission. All proceeds are used to support programs and activities of L. C. Bird High School, parents, faculty, and students.
How can you help?
- First, join the PTSO!
- Second, volunteer!
- Third, purchase spirit wear and/or donate to the PTSO!
- Fourth, stay connected!
Please explore the website and seriously consider how you can contribute to the efforts of the PTSO. Your time and money will be well invested and very much appreciated! Also, please note that gifts of time and service are just as valuable. Your input is also valuable to us. If you have suggestions or would like to volunteer, do not hesitate to contact a Board Member or Student Member Representative. Use the QR code above to join the PTSO today.
Do not forget to stay connected! Bookmark our PTSO website, “like” our PTSO Facebook page, and follow us on Instagram. These are easy places to get info for all things PTSO. We will do our best to keep all platforms current with information pertinent to the PTSO, our school, and our community. Thank you in advance for getting involved in your child’s high school years. Go Skyhawks!
Charita Rogers
L.C. Bird H.S. PTSO President
Upcoming PTSO Events
- Monday, February 3
- Wednesday, February 5
- Thursday, February 6
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19